So, my wonderful husband threw me a surprise party on Saturday and it was totally awesome. Some of my best friends were there and it meant so much to me that they all came. It all started off on Friday night when KC was at our house and he asked me if it was OK if this girl came over for a while to visit. I said sure, it was like 9:15 and I was tired so I was about ready to head for bed. About 15 minutes later the door bell rings and I think it's this girl and when KC open the door my mom and dad walked through, it was so cool! I was totally not expecting them. Rod just told me that he asked them to come down and surprise me since I was complaining that they never come down and visit me. mom and I went shopping all day on Saturday and came home around 2:15 or so. When I walked in the door there was about 20 of my closest friends and family yelling surprise. Rod did such a great job of planning this party, I had no idea what he was up to. He can't usually keep a secret from me and I can usually get things out of him but I didn't suspect a thing. My parents stayed until Monday so we got to have a nice long visit and Caden really enjoyed having them there. First thing he would say when he woke up in the morning was "Grandma still here" it was pretty cute! Thanks for an awesome birthday Rod! Love you.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Cole!
Cole turns 4 years old today, I can hardly believe it has been 4 years since I watched him be born! WOW, how the time flies! He is in preschool this year and is as smart as ever. He definitely keeps you on your toes and there isn't anything that gets past him. He is a wonderful big brother to Finn and has recently gotten in teenage mutant ninja turtles. His guns I would say are his favorite toys, he was trying to teach Caden how to go on bear hunts when we were up north a few weeks ago. Happy Birthday Cole - We love you and hope you have a great day!
Posted by Maria at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Post Falls Vacation
Rod, Caden and I just returned from Post Falls last night around 9:00. We went up to Spokane last Friday for Rod's best friend Bryce's wedding. We had the wedding on Saturday and then he rest of the weekend we were able to spend time with my sister and her children. Caden and Cole had fun playing and fighting. There were times when they would play really well together but for the most past they seemed to annoy each other:) We were able to go outside and play on Sunday and it was a little windy so it was perfect kite flying weather. We got Cole a Spiderman kite and Caden a Car's kite, they had lots of fun. They played in the snow and on Cole's 4-wheeler. We left at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday from Post Falls, stopped in Lewiston and Cottonwood for a couple hours and we were really happy to get home last night, Caden slept really well in his bed last night and was happy to see all his toys again. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
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Posted by Maria at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It's time for a post...
Sorry it's been a while, I really have no excuses other than it has been so crappy and cold outside I feel like we haven't done anything. But, it was really nice on Sunday so we took Caden down to Camel's Back Park and played on the playground for about an hour. We met some friends of our there who's daughter Spencer's birthday was that day. She loved the swings.
Caden is doing great. He is 28 pounds and talking up a storm. Some of the funniest things he says is, "Mommy, not funny", and "I toot" and when we are at the stop lights he yells at the other cars to "Go" and "turn green". He must get that from his father and I both, we are both pretty impatient when it comes to green lights and cars not going. He has really gotten into "pretend playing" lately. Last week he married the little girl at daycare and then had 4 babies "all resembling footballs" and even fought over where there furniture was going to be. He likes to drive his car to the pretend bank and brings me back suckers. He has learned to count to 3 and then goes to 7,8. He can say his ABC, sometimes he leaves out DEF but for the most part can say it all with me. He knows the colors, orange, blue, yellow, red, black and white. He has trouble with green and purple. His all time favorite color that he likes to pick out is pink, daddy doesn't really like that!! We happen to think that he is very smart and so does he. He got a haircut on Friday and when I came home from work he looked and me and said "Mommy, I look good" daddy had been teaching him that. All in all we are doing great and are just ready for some nice weather to be able to play outside. We are heading up to Post Falls this weekend for a wedding and to see my sister and her boys, I will post pics when we get back, Finn has gotten so big and is rolling all over the place, I can't wait to see them. Here are some pics from the weekend at the park.
Posted by Maria at 9:02 AM 0 comments