Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Busy, Busy Busy

Seems like we have been very busy these past few months. March and April Rod and I have been busy working on our yard and trying to get it looking nice. I got my garden all cleaned up and Rod has been busy working on the yard. We aerated and thatched it this year hoping that will help it out. We got two new trees as well.

Our Tree in the front yard

The tree we planted in the front yard it a Prairie Fire Tree that gets bright pink blossoms on it and the tree in the back yard we planted is called a Blaze Maple - they are both really pretty and a great addition to our yard. My flower beds look amazing this year - after 5 years the bushes and flowers are really coming along.

Lainey turned 9 months old last week and is getting so big. Yesterday she had her appt and weighed in at 18 lbs 6 oz and 27.5 inches long. She did have a double ear infection which I had suspected so she is now on antibiotics for that. She is trying to crawl, she gets up on all 4's and rocks back and forth and ends up scooting backwards - she will get the hang of it in the next couple of weeks.


She rolls everywhere she wants to go and can get into anything that she has her mind set to. She is a non stop talker - just like her brother. She likes to clap her hands together when you say yeah, it's pretty cute!

Lainey in the swing outside

Caden has been a busy 3 1/2 year old and keeps me on my toes. He has learned how to get the swing going by himself this year which is nice. He likes to dig in my garden with his shovel and play baseball with his daddy. He is getting pretty good to. He doesn't like to use his tee - he wants us to throw the ball to him while he hits it and for the most part makes pretty good contact with the ball - I think he is going to be our little athlete. Caden got a new big bike a few months back so he has been busy putting miles on that as well.

Rod and Caden shooting guns

Rod is doing well - working at Western Aircraft still and is getting ready for summer to go camping. The end of May Rod gets to go to Chicago for a week for United Airlines Training and he is super excited about it...mainly because Chicago has good pizza! He will have a good time.
I am still working two days a week for Langston & Associates and enjoying spending the other three days with my kids. Tuesday's and Wednesday's I watch a 7 month old girl and her and Lainey are becoming good friends. Lainey gives her big smiles when she gets here in the morning, it will be fun when they can chase each other around. I am running my first 10k on May 15th so I have been busy running and getting ready for that. Hopefully I can make it all the way through!

My mom and Caden playing trouble

My mom feeding Lainey

Last weekend we went to Cottonwood where my Uncle Bruce had his annual 22-shoot. This was the first year that we were able to make it and it was fun...a little windy and cold...but fun. Caden got to shoot Rod's gun for the first time and he loved it. I thought that he might get scared when he took the first shot at the target but no...he loved it and couldn't wait to run out the clip and go get more "bullepps" as he calls them!

Me shooting at the targets

I even got a turn it and hit 3 of the golf balls - I was impressed with myself. We had a great time in Cottonwood visiting my family. Hope everyone is having a great spring and hope to see you all soon!