Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Weekend in Cottonwood

Rod, Caden and I went to Cottonwood on Friday evening to visit my parents and see my sisters. My sister Stephanie is only has 7 weeks left of her pregnancy and she looks great. She has only gained 10 pounds and doesn't look like she is going to have a baby or anything. Cole and Caden played really well together - the best they have ever played together. Caden is just getting bigger and plays more with Cole. Cole tries to boss him around and sometimes Caden listens and other times he doesn't. I have learned from this weekend that Cole is afraid of bugs, everytime we were outside he was start screaming at the ants, he thought they were going to get him, it was kind of cute, so Caden would walk around and stomp on them for him!! We had family pictures taken on Saturday, Cole and Caden got their's taken and then we had pictures of the 6 of us and then of the 4 girls, it was really nice. I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend as much as we did.