Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Playing outside - what a wonderful weekend!

We had a great weekend! The weather was warm and we took advantage of it every second. We went to Grandma Looney's horse show on Saturday morning and then Saturday evening we went to our friend Tim and Jen's house for dinner and more outside fun. There is a park just behind their house in Meridian called Settlers Park and it is so much fun - of coarse I didn't have my carmera for that. It has musical instruments in it for the kids to play with and in the summer time has water shooting out of the ground. Sunday we were outside cleaning out the garden and flower beds and on Monday Caden were outside all day except for durning nap time. We went for walks, flew his kite, swung on the swing set. Here are a few pics of Caden having a good time. I just love that he wants to sit in this shopping cart and wants me to take his pictures - but when we are in the grocery store he cries and cries because he wants to walk - what gives??? He is also getting really good on his trike - he can finally reach the pedals and has figures out that moving his legs makes the trike go. Hope everyone enjoyed the weather as much as we did.