Friday, April 10, 2009

Brodie Joseph Wessels

My newphew has finally arrived. My sister Kristin had her baby via C-section on Wednesday night around 7:00 (Lewiston time). She was 41 weeks prego (so you can imagine how uncomfortable she was) and was having trouble with high blood pressure. Dr. Demeyer gave her cervadel on Tuesday night to soften her cervix and sent her home. Wedenday about 1:30 a.m. her water broke and she headed to the hospital for what was to become an extrememly long labor. She was dilated to an 8 at about 2 or 3 and just never progressed from there so they did a C-sectoin. And come to figure out he was 10 pounds 7 ounces and 22.5 inches long so there was no way he was fitting through the birth canal. He is perfect looking and I think he looks a lot like her. I happen to think he is adorable...I am happy that both Kristin and Brodie are both doing really well and that they are both healthy. He is very alert and starting to eat pretty well to. She will get to go home around Saturday sometime. When I showed Caden Brodie's picture and told him that Kristin had her baby he said to me "I want my baby sister to" I just laughed and told him pretty soon!