Monday, April 13, 2009

Caden coloring Easter Eggs

Caden had a wonderful Easter, it started off on Friday night with coloring Easter Eggs - he really loved that. Saturday we got the house cleaned and ready for the Easter Bunny! Rod had the GREAT idea...and I stress leave his Easter basket out his bedroom door so that when he woke up in the morning he would see it...well and 7:00 he had 5 pieces of chocolate down and was ready for the day. 2 hours later he crashed and was getting really whinny! We went out to Grandma and Grandpa Looney's house and had an Easter Egg hunt. Caden got to ride the tractor, feed the horses and play in the dirt - he loved it. When we finally got home and I put him to sleep around 9:00 it only took him 2 minutes to fall asleep. He is already asking me when we can do it again.