Thursday, June 4, 2009

Caden's New Flip Flops

So my mom sent Caden two pairs of flip flops, a new shirt and some candy and stickers. He made a haul. Caden hasn't ever worn flip flops before so I wasn't sure if he would like them or not...well...he does. He has trouble walking in them and keeping them on his feet but he is doing pretty good. He wanted to wear them to Pam's yesterday so when he got ready to go he asked me to take a picture of him. We did bring another pair of shoes to Pam's because I knew that he wouldn't last in them all day...and I was right. Then last night when we got home he saw that I had his green grog boots out since we are going camping this weekend. He of coarse wanted to wear them and wanted his picture taken as well. Rod had to go to Walmart to get a few last camping items and Caden wanted to go with him, he was in tears when Rod told him he couldn't wear his boots...I was like, let him wear them, he is cute! Caden finally won and dad gave in to letting him wear the boots.

We have all been really good, just working and getting ready to have a baby in about 6.5 weeks. Caden loves to give his baby sister kisses and feel her kick - he thinks that is funny. His new things are that he likes to talk about his day first thing in the morning. He will wake up and say to me "Mom, let's talk about my day" I say, ok tell me what you are going to do. He will either tell me that he is going to Pam's house or that his grandma is going to pick him up and take him to McDonalds, it's pretty cute. He likes to help me out with chores around the house, especially putting away the silverware because then he gets to touch the butter knifes (which I never allow him to do). He also likes to vacuum for me, he is becoming a pretty good little cleaner. His favorite movie is the Cars (we watch is almost everyday) and he is starting to repeat lines from it. All in all we are doing pretty good and are enjoying our summer so far. Will post pictures of our camping trip next week, I think that we are going to get rained on all weekend.


Ashley said...
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